buber.net > Basque > Surname > M > Mitxelena
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MITXELENA The meaning is The house of Mikel, MITXEL:is a christian name
Miguel or Michael, and ENA is a sufix that means "the one of".
There are farms or baserriak with this name in : Aia, Oiartzun,Ataun,
Lasarte, Albiztur and Leaburu (all in Gipuzkoa). There are also farms with
this name in Nafarroa: Elizondo, Etxaleku, Larraun and Urdax. There were
branches of these families in Gordexola (Bizkaia) Llanteno (Araba) and
Valle de Mena (Burgos)
Proves of Nobility: Oiartzun 1804,Bilbao 1730, Knight of Santiago in 1758,
Knight of Carlos III in 1830
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Eskerrik asko!