buber.net > Basque > Surname > N > Narbitz
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This is probably a variation of the surname NARBAIZ or NARBAITZ,
and proceed from Baigorri, in the basque Region of Laburdi, other
variations of this surname are:
Narvaez, Narbais, Narbaits, Narbaitza, Narbaitz, Narbaiz....
The meaning of this surname is very difficult to know. it is composed by
NARBA, and IZ or ITZ, The sufix ITZ or IZ is a derivative, as the spanish
EZ in many surnames, and the meaning of NARBA is unknown, (That is the
opinion of Koldo Mitxelena, the greatest basque linguist). There is another
author (I think it is not very believable) Lopez Mendizabal, that thinks
that NARBA comes from ARBI or ARBAI that means HAY, and that the sufix IZ
or ITZ means abundance, so the meaning would be "Hay place". Following the
opinion of other authors (as Mitxelena) if the meaning of IZ is son of,
Narbai Could have been an old name of a person
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Please report any problems or suggestions to Blas.
Eskerrik asko!