buber.net > Basque > Surname > N > Nuin
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NUIN This surname was originated in Nabarra, and it has the same origin
than NOAIN, Is very difficult to know the meaning, most authors don't give
any translation, the only one that gives a theory is Narbarte that says
that is MUNOGAIN, the higher part of the hill.
There are NUIN families in: BIZKAIA: Bilbao, Galdakano. GIPUZKOA: Arrasate,
Donostia. NABARRA: Arbarzuza, Aizoain, Arribe, Astrain, Auza, Beriain,
Doneztebe, Iruna, Lizarra-Estella, Olite, Orokieta, Tafalla, Zizur
In 1350 was a NYUYN family documented.
The sufix AIN is tipical in the surnames of Nabarra, probably it means
"Place of", other possibility for the meaning is NUNOAIN-NOAIN or
NUNUIN-NOIAN or NOIN, the change of OA in U is usual in basque..
Coat of arms; En sinople, una banda de oro, engolada en dos cabezas de
sierpes, linguadas de gules
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Eskerrik asko!