buber.net > Basque > Surname > O > Ocamica (okamika)
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OCAMICA (OKAMIKA) Okamika is a little village that belongs to the
Municipalitry of GIZABURUAGA, in the north east part of Bizkaia (Near
Lekeitio). The name was originated by the name of Two farms: Upper Okamika
and Downer Okamika.
Meaning: the surname is composed by two elements OKAM and IKA, the first
element can be OKARAN (OKAN) with the meaning of "Plum Tree", the second
IKA can be "Slope", or Place.
There is an author who say that is a variation of OKARIZ, but in any case
the meaning is the same
Coat of Arms: En oro, un aliso de sinople, frutado de plata.
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Please report any problems or suggestions to Blas.
Eskerrik asko!