buber.net > Basque > Surname > O > Oiharzabal
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OIHARZABAL this surname exist in the whole Basque country, but with
different variations depending the zone, the form you spell it is tipical
from Iparralde (French Basque Country) in the provinces of Laburdi and
Behenabarra, the C of the surname, is not a real C, but this letter
simmilar to the C, but with with a kind of apostrophe under it, and sounds
simmilar to the basque Z, but in families that leved the Basque Country the
original letter was changed by a C in many cases
There are Oyharcabals in BEHENEBARRA:Aiherre, and Heleta
and in LABURDI: in Biriatou (rated since 1651), Sara (rated since 1749),
Baiona, Hazparren, Cambo, Lekorne (Mendionde),Uztaritz,
there are also families with this surname in Bearn and in France
The meaning of the surname is OHIAR or OHIAN: wild forest, ZABAL: Big, so
the meaning is The Big Forest
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Please report any problems or suggestions to Blas.
Eskerrik asko!