buber.net > Basque > Surname > O > Ondoro
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ONDORO This surname is not rated in any of my books, May be ONDARO
ONDARO: The house or farm Ondaro is located in a small village of Bizkaia,
named Ereno (with n~ :egne or enhe), this village is close to Elantxobe.
In 1745 in the house or farm Ondaro, lived Ignacio Ondaro. In the census of
1796 the house Ondaro appears as a Tower-House and lived Juan Ondaro on it.
In 1798 there weren't any family Ondaro living in Elantxobe, so they
arrived later.
There is not coat of arms
Meaning: Sandy place, Land of sands
Today, there are families with this surname in Busturia, Forua, and
Durango, in Bizkaia
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Eskerrik asko!