buber.net > Basque > Surname > O > Ortiz De Ginea
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As we have a surname from Bizkaia, and other from Gipuzkoa,
here is the one of Araba, The Origin is clearly in Ginea (Lakozmonte) ,
Araba, with branches in Jokano, Artaza, and Arreo (all in Araba), there is
also a House Ginea in Laudio. The meaning is not easy to know, I think it
comes from EGI, that means little hill, or hillside, and ENEA, that is a
sufix with the meaning the house of, so I my humble oppinion the meaning is
The house in the hillside. Ortiz is a patronimic (used in the past as a
name), so probably you have an ancestor with this name, in Araba the names
of the people were composed by Christian name, Patronimic name, and family
name, after the Trento Council ,the children had the same surname than
their parents, and the patronimic get fixed
Coat of arms: There are 2 coats of Ortiz de Ginea
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Eskerrik asko!