buber.net > Basque > Surname > O > Osa, And Ossa
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OSA, and OSSA there are three houses with this name in Elorrio (Bizkaia),
and also a palace in the same village, so your family's origin would be
this village. There were branches of this family in Gipuzkoa, in Bergara,
Deba, Azkoitia and Azpeitia. There are also a place named Osa in Navarra,
in a village named Arze, and some authors think that this is the older
origin (is not proved).
Meaning: is difficult to know, there are different theories, lets go with t=
OTZA (read TZ like the italian ZZ, not exactly), means cool, in this case
the meaning would be (the house in the) cool place
OTSOA: means wolf, but in the past was a common name used by many basque
men, in this cas the meaning would be: The house of Otsoa.
Other theory says that the meaning is simply : place
I prefer the first theory: cool place, in Elorrio the people pronoun Otza
the name I think that because of that they wrote OSSA with two S, and then
in your branche one of the S was losed.
There are families with this name in many places of Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa,
and also in Laburdi (Zibure), and Buenos Aires
There are also a lot of coats of arms
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Please report any problems or suggestions to Blas.
Eskerrik asko!