buber.net > Basque > Surname > O > Ostey (ostei)
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There is very little written about this surname.
There was/is a house in Leniz, Guipuzcoa (1448).
The authors note that it could be a variation of the name Ostiz, which
originates in Navarre and in Uruguay. But as you note in your request
their can be many variations. Those with Basque origin closest to the
pronunciations you mentioned are Oste, Ostecain, Ostei, and those
beginning with "a" as well. It is possible that there could be common
connections between the names, but all appear to stand as different
surnames as well (what I mean is that they have original houses in
different places). Since you ask - the very best advice that I can give
as far as coming to know about your particular family is once again - to
begin with what is known and work backwards through the various spelling
errors and changes until you arrive at one of those original houses or
some other place. I don't mean to be evasive - but this is not an exact
science and there is really no way to tell what is differences in
original surnames and what is common error without extensive research.
This page is part of Buber's Basque Page and is maintained by Blas Uberuaga.
Please report any problems or suggestions to Blas.
Eskerrik asko!