buber.net > Basque > Surname > O > Oteiza
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OTEIZA The origin of this surname is located in Nabarra, There are two
places with this name, one is Oteiza (near to Estella), and the other one
is a quarter,( named Oteiza), of the Municipality of Santesteban or
Doneztebe, a branche of the first place passed to Amezketa in Gipuzkoa,
where are two houses with the name Oteiza.
There are also other two houses with the name Oteiza in Idiazabal (Gipuzkoa)=
Miguel Oteiza lived in Tolosa (Gip) in1608 (he was knight of Santiago),
Lucas Oteiza in Azkoitia (Gip) in 1654, Josefa Oteiza lived in Ataun in
1700. There is a prove of Nobility in Bilbao in 1738 of a family Oteiza
(they came from Nabarra). There are proves of Nobility in the Court of
Valladolid in 1597,1715,1815 (this court was a special one for the basques
who went to live to Spain or the Colonies)
Meaning: OTE or OTEIA means heather or heath, and the sufix ZA or TZA means
Coat of Arms: There are various, I will transcribe the original of Nabarra,
and the one of the House of Amezaga
1st. En oro dos fajas de gules, contrabretesadas
2nd. Partido en banda 1=BA en oro un grifo (mithologic animal) de gules. 2=
en gules un grifo de oro. Bordura jaquelada de azur y plata
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Eskerrik asko!