buber.net > Basque > Surname > O > Oyanguren, Oxanguren, Ojanguren
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Oyanguren, Oxanguren, Ojanguren
OYANGUREN, OXANGUREN, OJANGUREN (variations of the same word)
After read some books I have found that In Bizkaia are farms with the name
Ojanguren, and in Gipuzkoa with the name Oyanguren
Baserriak orFrams in Gipuzkoa: In Elgeta I think this is the Older, In
Bergara, Irun and Zumaia
Ojanguren in Bizkaia: Two farms in Lezama with this name, there are others
but are not very old so is not the name of the house, but the one of the
first owner, they are in Elorrio, Basauri and Galdakao.
Meaning: In the high part of the forest; OIAN: Forest ,GUREN: high part of
a land
Proves of Nobility: There are a lot of them in many villages, In 1346 is
documented a man with this surname living in Tolosa, In 1477 J. Oyanguren
lived in Zumarraga, another Oyanguren in Urretxu in 1580, Donostia
Proves of Ojanguren: Elorrio (1575,1708),Bilbao (1765),..........
There are farms in Zumarraga with the name Oyanguren, possibly 500 years
old. One is named Oyanguren Haundia, also known as Oyaun (thanks to San Juan for this info).
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Eskerrik asko!