buber.net > Basque > Surname > P > Paguaga Or Pagoaga
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PAGUAGA or PAGOAGA The origin of this surname is located on Gipuzkoa,
there are houses with this name in Eibar (2), Aduna, Ernani and Ezkioga.
Branches in Motriko 1668, Bilbao 1791. Juan Pagoaga lived in Ezkioga in
Meaning PAGOA: beech tree, AGA: Place, so the meaning is (the house) near
the beech trees.
Coat of arms: There are two of the Eibar's House, here is the first
Mantelado, 1=BA En azur una cruz de oro, 2=BA En plata, cuatro fajas de gule=
3=BA o manteladura, de sinople con un monte de su color natural, sumado de u=
castillo de piedra.
There are families with the name Pagoaga in the whole Basque country (north
and south), but I don't think that are Paguaga s.
In Bizkaia, there are Pagoagas in: Berriatua, Lekeitio, Ondarroa, Bilbao,
NOTE: Berriatua, Lekeitio, and Ondarroa, are close to Ibarrangelua
Libby Paguaga writes:
Paguaga is a Basque name and can be found in many places, but it can mostly be found
in both Guernica and Bilbao.
This page is part of Buber's Basque Page and is maintained by Blas Uberuaga.
Please report any problems or suggestions to Blas.
Eskerrik asko!