buber.net > Basque > Surname > P > Palafox
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Palafox is not a Basque surname. I think that it's origin is
French (but I am not sure), there has been two Palafox famous in the
history of Spain
Jose Rebolledo de Palafox: Born in Zaragoza in 1776, he was a general of
the Spanish Army, and senator, he is considered as The hero of the Zaragoza
siege during the war of the Independence versus Napoleon
Juan Palafox Mendoza: Born in Fitero (Navarra) in 1600, he was priest,
writer, and administrator of the Colonies
Athough Palafox is not a Basque name, there have been families with this surname in Navarra,
and also in Aragon. These families were nobles, so I recommend that you
make your genealogy, I think it will be very interesting.
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Please report any problems or suggestions to Blas.
Eskerrik asko!