buber.net > Basque > Surname > P > Perea
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The origin of this family is in the "Aiala Valey" in Araba (Beotegi,
and Llodio or Laudio), and there are branches in Astoriza(Lezama, Araba),
Basauri (Bizkaia), and St. Vicente de Basualdo (Bizkaia), a branche of the
Pereas from Basauri went to a village named Cantalapiedra in Salamanca
(Spain), and a branche of the Pereas of Basualdo went to Somorrostro
Meaning: There are two posibilities, the first one is that Perea comes from
the Christian name Pero (an old form of today's Pedro) like Perez. The
other posibility is that Perea is a variation of BEREA, with the meaning
of: Place of Grass, but is not very clear.
Proves of Nobility: Bilbao 1654; Valladolid 1774,1784,1799; Knight of
Santiago in 1688,1717,1742,1755; Knight of Calatrava in 1678; Knight of S.
Juan de Jerusalen in 1579.
Coat of arms: I have found 5 diferent coats.
This page is part of Buber's Basque Page and is maintained by Blas Uberuaga.
Please report any problems or suggestions to Blas.
Eskerrik asko!