buber.net > Basque > Surname > S > San Julian
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This surname proceed from Zize or Cissa, in Benafarroa (Baxe
Navarre), the meaning is very clear so its not necesary to explain it
There are two coat of arms for San Julian, I will copy the one of the house
of Benafarroa, in spanish
Coat : En Plata una cruz de Gules como la de Montesa, cargada de una venera
de oro, y otras cuatro veneras de sable, una en cada canton
Sorry, I have not found many information about your surnames, they are
clearly from Iparralde (French Basque Country), and I think that the
authors of the books I have, know more about the Surnames of the South,
than of the northerns
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Please report any problems or suggestions to Blas.
Eskerrik asko!