buber.net > Basque > Surname > S > Sarasqueta (sarasketa)
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SARASQUETA (SARASKETA) I have see in a book that the origin of this
surname is in Behenafarroa (French Navarra), in a village named ZIZE or
Cissa, and then a branche of the family went to Anzuaola, in Gipuzkoa in
there are (or there were) families with this surname in: ARABA: Aramaiona
(1801), Gasteiz, BEHENAVARRA: Garazi, BIZKAIA: Bilbao 1779, Durango,
Markina. GIPUZKOA: Andoain,Anzuola 1625), Deba, Donostia, Eibar 1625,
Elgoibar, Motriko, Soraluze 1700. LABURDI: Sara.....also in Buenos Aires
Meaning: SARATS: means willow tree, and KETA, in toponims means place, so
the meaning is (The house inthe) Willow tree place
Coat of arms: En gules, un agila de real de plata. Bordura angrelada de plat=
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Eskerrik asko!