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buber.net > Basque > Surname > S > Segura
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SEGURA The origin is very clear, a village named Segura in Gipuzkoa, with branches in Aia, Orio, and Ataun in Gipuzkoa, and with other branche in Nabarra, there are other branches in Bizkaia, and in Itxasu (North Euskadi).

The meaning is not clear, can be a lathin world, or can be a basque world derivate from EGUR: wood

In 1380 lived in Azpeitia a man named Gonzalo Ochoa de Segura, and in 1384 Juan Pedro Segura in Legazpia

There are lots of proves of Nobility of families with this surname

Coat of Arms: there are 5 diferent ones, but the house of Segura and the branches of Nafarroa have the same coat, so the branche of Nafarroa derivates directly from the original House in Segura

Segura My first ancestor who came to Costa Rica in 1602, Don Juan de Segura,was born in Sevilla, Spain, in 1581, the son of Juan de Segura, born in Sevilla in 1559, and Catalina Hernandez del Villar. This Juan de Segura was the son of Pedro de Segura, born in Granada, Spain, in 1559, and Gracia Gutierrez. This Pedro de Segura was the son of Pedro de Segura, born in Idiazabal, Guipuzcoa,in 1508, and Agueda de Ximenez. This Pedro de Segura was the legitimate son of Martin de Etxezarra, born in Idiazabal in 1464, and Gracia de Otazabal. Pedro de Segura took his last name from the town of Segura, distant 3 miles from Idiazabal, that by that time belonged to the jurisdiction of Segura. This town was walled, "�safe" from the attacks of the Moors, therefore its name. Martin de Etxezarra was the son of Pedro de Etxezara, born c.1414 in Idiazabal, and Gracia de Etxaray, born in Zegama, also in Guipuzcoa. I do not know, so far the names of Pedro de Etxezarra's parents. Etxezarra means the Old House.. I hope this information

will be of some interest to you. Please excuse my English, but Spanish is my mother tongue. Congratulations for your work.

Posted by Carlos Hernan SEGURA (csegura@sol.racsa.co.cr).

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