buber.net > Basque > Surname > S > Sesma
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SESMA The origin of this surname is located in the South part of Nabarra,
there is a small village named Sesma, and there were families with this
surname in Cintruenigo and Tudela (all in the south of Navarre).
In this part of Navarra, there are toponims with lathin, arabic, and basque
origin, so is difficult to know about the linguistic origin of Sesma, in
spanish exist the word SESMA, and means: 1: 1/6, 2: Group of villages, so
I think that the origin of the word is Lathin-spanish (many basque surnames
and toponims have this origin).
Coat of arms: there are various coats, but the older one documented (1539)
is this: En purpura, un aguila pechada sobre un corazon (o panela) de oro.
Bordura de sinople con ocho veneras de oro (this is the coat of the Sesma
family of Zintruenigo)
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Eskerrik asko!