buber.net > Basque > Surname > S > Solagaistoa
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SOLAGAISTOA This surname have different variations: Sologaistoa,
Sologaiztoa, Solagaistoa, Solagaistua, Sologaxtoa,.....but the original
form is Sologaistoa or Sologaxtoa.
There are houses or farms with this name in Bedona, Aretxabaleta (today
belongs to Arrasate-Mondragon), and there is another house in Arrasate
(probably derivated from the one of Bedona (with egne ~)
Pedro Sologaistoa lived in Arrasate in 1530, Andres Sologaxtoa lived in
Eskoriaza in 1669. other Angel Zar de Sologaistoa was member of the
Inquisition in Mexico and the provinves of Nueva Espana, he was born in
Arrasate in 1605.
Coat of arms: En azur, una cierva de oro en pie junto a una fuente, de la
que corre un arroyo sobre prado de sinople, y algo distante de ella, sobre
un risco, una torre de piedra, parda. Bordura plana de oro
Meaning. SOLO means field, and GAIZTOA means bad, difficult, this can can
be refered to the situation or to the capability to be cultivated. I think
that the meaning is The slope field, a field with a difficult acces
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Please report any problems or suggestions to Blas.
Eskerrik asko!