buber.net > Basque > Surname > S > Solaguren
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SOLAGUREN There are 15 houses Solaguren in Bizkaia, in different villages,
but 3 of them are in Etxano, and the real name of Amorebieta is:
Amorebieta-Etxano, so it is very easy to know that your grandma proceed of
one of these houses. Etxano is a small village and form together with
Amorebieta a Municipality, the houses Solaguren are located in the quarter
Meaning: GUREN, means in the limit, or in the border (generally upper
border), and SOLOA, means meadowland, prairie, pasture, so the meaning is:
(the house) in the border of the prairie.
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Please report any problems or suggestions to Blas.
Eskerrik asko!