buber.net > Basque > Surname > S > Rodriguez Soreasu
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If the surname is Rodriguez Soreasu, it probably comes from Araba, and that
show us that there was a man called Rodrigo Soreasu, and he had a son named
XXXXX Rodriguez Soreasu in the XVI century, In this Century began the
tradition of giving to the children the same surname as the father,s one,
so the Rodriguez that were a patronimic, became a surname. The tipical
basque surnames were the names of the baserriak or farms, people had his
christian name and used as surname the name of the house in what they
lived, but in Araba were mixed the use of Castilla (christian name and the
patronimic) and the basque use, so they used Chr.name Patronimic and
Surname of the House.
Now the question is, Is Soreasu a name from Araba or from Gipuzkoa, or in
other words where did Rodrigo Soreasu came from?
Jaime Kerexeta in his "Diccionario Onomastico y Heraldico Vasco" says
SOREASU: In Gipuzkoa, variation of SORAZU (but there also exist the surname
SORAZU: In Zumaia and Tolosa, the meaning is place of prairies (SOROA means
prairie, or field) and the sufix ZU or TSU means abundance
SORASU: In Donostia and Itziar,(Gipuzkoa), variation of Sarasu
Lets go to another book of Kerexeta"Linajes y casas de Gipuzkoa"
Sorasu or Sorazu: house in Itziar (Deba)
Sorazu: house in Zumaia (Oikina valley)
Sorazo Aundi and Sorazu Txiki, Deba (quarter of Elorriaga)
Its clear that the origin of the surname is Gipuzkoa (Deba and/or Zumaia),
the Rodriguez can be the history of your ancestor in Araba, or can be
another possibility, in the XVI and XVII century the patronimics were used
as Christian names too, so perhaps there were a man called Rodriguez
Soreasu, and the priest inscribed for the sons of that man the whole name
and surname as a surname.
The only solution is make your Genealogic chart (and many times you don,t
find anything)
This page is part of Buber's Basque Page and is maintained by Blas Uberuaga.
Please report any problems or suggestions to Blas.
Eskerrik asko!