buber.net > Basque > Surname > T > Telleria
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Telleria means tejeria, a place where tiles are made.
History and Locality
There are quite a few caserios Tellerias. In the area of your family there are caserios in Murelaga
and in Gizaburuaga. In Zerain (G) there is a caserio named Telleri. The books speak of various houses Telleria
in Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa. They speak of a Pedro de Telleria that proved his nobility in Mutiloa in 1833,
Ignacio Telleria that proved his in Bergara in 1777, Martin Telleria el Mayor and Martin Telleria el Menor
who were neighbors in Legazpia in 1532, Miguel Telleria in Villarreal de Urretxu in 1642, Domingo Telleria
in Elgeta in 1707, Joaquin Telleria in Eibar in 1726, Nicolas Telleria in Segura in 1625, etc. (normally, the
proving of nobility usually was done to occupy some post or in changing domiciles).
Coat of Arms
There appear three coats-of-arms for the name Telleria: one for the house of Bilbao, another of the
Valle of Oiarzun, and another for the houses of Berrobi and Andoain. I have chosen the last: Escudo con
Losange abierto y en su centro, una torre de tres pisos almenados, y en los contones, cuatro piezas de artilleria
con las curenas hacia el interior y los canones hacia afuera. The colors are not specified, so I have decided to
color them in the following way: escudo de plata, canones de sable, losange de gules y torre de plata.
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Eskerrik asko!