buber.net > Basque > Surname > T > Totorikaguena
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TOTORIKAGUENA other form of this surname is TOTORIKAGOENA (the original
one). In a village named Arbazegi-Gerrikaiz (In Bizkaia) there is a quarter
named Totorika, and there are various houses with this name (Totorika)
Meaning: The meaning is "The upper House Totorika", GOENA, means "the upper
one (House)", TOTORIKA, means something like "in the top of the hill" or
in the top of the slope (Tontor:top, Ika:slope)
In 1792 a man surnamed Mendazona proved his nobility (to prove it were only
necesary to prove to be basque) in the Court of Valladolid, he was born in
Zenarruza (Bizkaia) and lived in Fontecha (Alava)
There is a coat of arms
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Please report any problems or suggestions to Blas.
Eskerrik asko!