buber.net > Basque > Surname > T > Treto
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TRETO of Bizkaia: this village is more than little, it belongs to the
Municipalitie of Karranza Valey, and is very close to other Municipalitie
named Lanestosa, all of this is in the far west (without movie
connotations) of Bizkaia, in a district or county named ENCARTACIONES or
ENKARTERRI. I have lookup the Census of 1796, and appears an owner named
Jose Garcia.
TRETO of Cantabria:
Cantabria is a Spanish region in the west of Bizkaia,
very near to Bizkaia exists a small Village named Treto, it belongs to the
Municipality of "Barcena de Cicero", and it gives the name to the estuary
of Treto, it is very close to other big villages named LAREDO and SANTO�A
(each one in a side of the begining of the estuary, and Treto and Colindres
in the end)
I don,t know the etimology of this word, but in the west part of Bizkaia
there are very few basque toponims, so probably the origin is Lathin....I
don,t know.
I have found a little more information about TRETO
In a village of Bizkaia (in the west, and near the coast) called San Julian
de Muzkiz, or Muskes, there is a palace named "Treto Palace", In the main
wall of the palace there is a coat of arms formed by 4 coats, and over it
there are the surnames TRETO, QUADRA, MONTA=D1O, and LLANO
The first coat is the one of TRETO: Tigre andante y armado que con sus
patas delanteras sostiene estandarte rematado en cruz latina y que en la
banderola luce un sotuer ( as is a coat made in stone, there aren't
This palace is in the quarter of Somorrostro and near the border with Santan=
In the Census of 1704, Maria Treto Lived in Muskes
In 1796, there is a Jose Trato living on Muskes (I suposse is Treto), he
had Three houses.
This page is part of Buber's Basque Page and is maintained by Blas Uberuaga.
Please report any problems or suggestions to Blas.
Eskerrik asko!