buber.net > Basque > Surname > T > Txertudi
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TXERTUDI (Chertudi): There are three houses with the name Chertudi in
Bizkaia, one is in Erandio (quarter of Arriaga), other in Arrazua, and the
other in Arrieta, the three are villages in Bizkaia, there was a branch in
Deba in 1695 (Gipuzkoa), the house in Arrieta is rated at least since 1556
Coat of arms: En gules, dos pinos de oro puestos en faja
Meaning: is difficult to precise it, Oyhanburu says that it comes from
INTXAURTUDI, that means Walnut place, Intxaurtudi gives Txaurtudi, and then
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Eskerrik asko!