buber.net > Basque > Surname > U > Uriounaguena
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Urionaguena is a surname composed of uriona and goena.
Goena means that of
above and Uriona comes from uri (city,
in the sense of a group of houses) and ona or ena,
which is a suffix
that indicates the house of. That is, Urionaguena means
something like highest house in populated area.
History and Locality
This caserio is in Arbazegi, although there are two with the same name. In 1796, a Martin Uriona-
Goena and a Maria Uriona-Goena lived in one of these. The other was a mill and belonged to Maria Uriona-
Goena (who, according to the census, lived in Zenarruza). In 1745, there only appears one caserio with this
name and a Juan Uriona-Goena lived in it, although in another caserio named Totorika-Goena, Ignacio Uriona-
Goena lived as a tenant. In 1704, there doesn't appear in Arbazegi a single caserio Urionagoena but, in
Gerrikaiz, which is a nearby town and which, together with Arbazegi, forms the current municipality of
Arbazegi-Gerrikaiz, there are various caserios with the name Uriona. I think that in Arbazegi there is a barrio
named Uriona, so Uriona-Goena is the highest house of Uriona.
Coat of Arms
Linaje filial del de Uriona, su casa radico en el barrio de Munitibar del Ayuntamiento de Arbazegi.
Escudo de oro con un arbol de sinople y un lobo alzado a su tronco.
This page is part of Buber's Basque Page and is maintained by Blas Uberuaga.
Please report any problems or suggestions to Blas.
Eskerrik asko!