buber.net > Basque > Surname > U > Urrizola
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URRIZOLA This surname was originated in a village of Navarra named
Urrizola, that belongs to the municipality of Ulzama. The original house is
called also "Solibarena". There are known branches in
Pamplona-Irunea(1635), and Argentina. There has been also branches in:
Burlada, Orkoien, Zizur, and Aizoain (Navarra)
Meaning: URRIZ: means Hazelnut tree, and OLA means, cottege, but also means
ironworks or foundry. So the meaning is: The Foundry (house) in the
hazelnut tree place, or the cottage in the....
Proves of Nobility: In the Courts of Navarra in 1635,1643,1644
Coat of arms:En plata, un roble de sinople y un lobo de sable, empinado al
tronco, el jefe de oro con tres panelas de gules. Bordura de azur con ocho
bezantes de oro. There is another coat but I think this is older
This page is part of Buber's Basque Page and is maintained by Blas Uberuaga.
Please report any problems or suggestions to Blas.
Eskerrik asko!