buber.net > Basque > Surname > U > Urruzuno
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URRUZUNO The origin of this surname is a House with this name in Azpeitia,
and then other house derivated from this in Elgoibar(both Gipuzkoa). A
branche passed to Bizkaia. Was documented since 1392
Proves of Nobility: Azpeitia 1772, Elgoibar 1804 (he was Royal
"escribano"), Elorrio in Bizkaia in 1707.
Meaning: Hazelnut Place
Today most of families Urruzunos are in Bizkaia: Elorrio, Markina, Gernika,
Ondarroa, In Gipuzkoa Azpeitia, Elgoibar and Zumaia
This page is part of Buber's Basque Page and is maintained by Blas Uberuaga.
Please report any problems or suggestions to Blas.
Eskerrik asko!