buber.net > Basque > Surname > V > Villanueva
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Villanueva is not a basque surname, is clearly a spanish one, the meaning
of Villanueva is VILLA: Town, and NUEVA: NEW, is composed by two spanish
words, Basque language is totally different from spanish VILLA or TOWN is
URI or IRI, and NUEVA or NEW is BARRI or BERRI, as you can see, in many
aspects spanish is more simmilar to english (Villa-Village, Nuevo-New) than
to basque language.
In Spain there are many places with the name Villanueva, but most of them
has a composed name Example: Villanueva de Arakil, or Villanueva del Rio
In any case there has been since old times, families with this surname in
the Basque Country.
One of the Greater authors about basque surname is Jaime Kerexeta, and he
says in his book "Diccionario Onomastico y Heraldico vasco"
VILLANUEVA: Is a linage originated in Aragon (Spain), there has been
branches in the Basque Country (Spanish and French Basque Country) in
Uhartehiri (Basse-Navarre-France), Gipuzkoa, Gordexola (Bizkaia), and
Araba. In Onate (Gipuzkoa Province, Basque Country) lived a man surnamed
Villanueva in 1388.
So, although the origin of the surname is not basque (since a linguistical
point of view), there has been Villanueva families in the Basque Country
(in all the basque provinces since long time ago), this make possible that
the Villanueva you are speaking about, was a basque, there was a lot of
Basque people in Philippines, I know a basque familie that had plantations
in Negros, their surname is GAMBOA, and a woman of this familie is married
with a man surnamed Villanueva (I don't think he has any relation with
If you are interested I can transcribe the coat of arms of the Basque
This page is part of Buber's Basque Page and is maintained by Blas Uberuaga.
Please report any problems or suggestions to Blas.
Eskerrik asko!