buber.net > Basque > Surname > X > Sapparrart (xaparrarte)
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SAPPARRART (XAPARRARTE) The meaning of this surname is XAPAR: "Small Oak
trees" or also " thicket or underbrush, and ART (ARTE) means: Between, so
the meaning is "(the house) between thickets".
Variations of this surname: Chaparart,Chapart,Sabarte,Sparart, Sapararte,
Saparrart, Saparrarta, Saparrat, Sapparart....but ther is not rated like
you spell it with two P and two R.
There are Saparrart: in Benabarra: Buzunaritze 1816, Donapaule. in
Laburdi: Hendaia, anbd also in Gascogne:Pontonx/Adour
There are Sapparart: in Benabarra: Irulegi, Izura
There are Saparrart: in Benabarra: Donibane-Garazi
Jaime Kerexeta says that the origin is located in Ioldy (Benabarra), with
a branche in Nabarra (South)
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Please report any problems or suggestions to Blas.
Eskerrik asko!