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buber.net > Basque > Surname > Y > Ynzunza
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YNZUNZA this surname is Insunza, and the variation Ynzunza is documented in Chili. The origin of this surname is located in two houses or farms in Bizkaia, one is located in DIMA, and the other in Ma=F1aria. There are families with the surname INZUNZA (with two Z) in Busturia, Durango and Gernika (all in Bizkaia), and in Chili with Y.

The meaning is difficult to know, but one theory thinks that can be something like swamp, but is not clear

Coat of arms: En plata una zarzamora de sinope, y pendiente de una de las ramas unos llares (I dont know what is that) con una caldera de sable y dos lobos del mismo color que van hacia la caldera.

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Eskerrik asko!