buber.net > Basque > Surname > Y > Yribarren Or iribarren
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This surname means "Down part of the Town", IRI
means Town or better group of houses, and BARREN: Down part. There are a
lot of places with this surname in Navarre, Gipuzkoa and in the French
Basque Country, there also are places with a simmilar name in Bizkaia but
are URIBARREN, so it is clear that the origin is not Bizkaia, and is not
the French part, because there the surname is HIRI...or HYRI..,
There are a lot of proves of nobility of families with this name, and there
are a lot of coats of arms of different families with this name.
Houses with this name:
In Navarra: Azpilikueta, Urrasun,Uriz, Unziti,Etxalar,Salazar Valley
In Gipuzkoa: Orexa, Lazkao, Lizartza
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Please report any problems or suggestions to Blas.
Eskerrik asko!