buber.net > Basque > Surname > Z > Zabarte
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ZABARTE the origin of this surname is the house or farm (baserria) named
Zabarte, and located in Elgeta (Gipuzkoa), quarter of Angiozar, today,
Elgeta belongs to the municipality of Bergara.
In 1632 Diego Martinez de Zabarte, proved his nobility in
Arrasate-Mondragon (there were only necesary to prove to be basque). There
is another prove of Nobility in the Court of Valladolid (a special Court
for basque afaires) in 1804.
Meaning: Arte means between, and ZABAR can be "small oaks" or thicket, so
the meaning can be: (the house) between thickets, or "little oaks"
Coat of arms: There are two, but I think that the original is this: En oro,
una faja de gules, acompanhada de dos estrellas del mismo color una a cada
lado (In a gold field, a red stripe (horizontal and 1/3 of the coat) with
two stars of the same colour (red) one up of the stripe and the other down
Every basque surname can use "DE", because the basque surnames are names of
houses, and your surname means that your family came from this house, there
are people that used it and other people don't....I use it sometimes,
This page is part of Buber's Basque Page and is maintained by Blas Uberuaga.
Please report any problems or suggestions to Blas.
Eskerrik asko!