buber.net > Basque > Surname > Z > Zamarripa
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ZAMARRIPA there are 4 houses or farms with the name Zamarripa, One is in
Sondika, and three in Lujua or Loiu, both villages are close, and they are
near Bilbao, so the origin of the surname is clear, I suposse that the
original house is the one of Sondika and the others are branches, because
the name of the house of Sondika is simply Zamarripa, and the names of the
others is composed by Zamaripa and other word, like Zamarripa the big,
Upper Zamarripa etc
Meaning: There are theories about the meaning, but most authors think that
this surname is composed by ZAMARI: means horse, but in the sense of beast
of burden or pack animal and IBAR: riverside or valley.
There are families with this surname in Bilbao, Ermua, Galdakao,
Gorliz,Loiu, Sondika, Sopelana, Trapaga and Ortuella, all in Bizkaia,
Donostia-St.Sebastian and Tolosa in Gipuzkoa, and also in Colombia, In
Uruguay exist a variation of it: Sammarripa, and Samarriba.
Coat of arms: En azur, tres flores de lis de oro, puestas en triangulo; en
punta (down) ondas de agua de azur y plata. Bordura de oro con cuatro
glaudes (sic.) de gules con la cupula de sinople, y cuatro panelas de azur
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Please report any problems or suggestions to Blas.
Eskerrik asko!