buber.net > Basque > Surname > Z > Zazueta
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ZAZUETA This is a very rare surname. Xabier found it in a book and
it hardly said anything. It said that it is a surname of Gipuzkoa and
that it could be a variation of the surname Sasoeta. Sasoeta comes from
Lasarte in Gipuzkoa, from Tolosa, Donostia, and Ernanii (also in Gipuzkoa).
The meaning is not clear but it could be place of sauces (sarats=sauce)
or place of blackberries (sasi=blackberry). Xabier is inclined towards
the second, otherwise the name would have been Zarazueta or Sarasueta.
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Please report any problems or suggestions to Blas.
Eskerrik asko!