buber.net > Basque > Surname > Z > Zengotitabengoa
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ZENGOTITABENGOA In the Village of Mallabia, in the east of Bizkaia near
the Border with Gipuzkoa, and in the quarter of Osma, there are a group of
houses named: Zengotita, Zengotita beitia, Zengotita bengoa, Zengotita
goitia, and Zengotita Molino (Mill)., ZENGOTITABENGOA, means the Down
(house) Zengotita, BENGOA means, the one of Down, and ZENGOTITA is very
difficult to know what means, the only translation that I have found is
"Gamonal" I dont know the translation of this spanish word, but is place
with a plant named "asphodelus microcarpus,asphodelus albus,asphodeline
lutea, etc etc) these are the lathin names of these plants, in any case I
do not think is very sure this translation
there were branches of this family in Elorrio (Bizkaia), since 1634 (they
proved their nobility there.
Juan Zengotitabengoa was knight of Carlos III, knight of San Hermenegildo,
and Comendador de Isabel la Catolica, his brother Francisco was knight of
San Fernando
Coat of arms: the coat of arms is one of the most complicated that I have
seen, if you want I can give you a description
This page is part of Buber's Basque Page and is maintained by Blas Uberuaga.
Please report any problems or suggestions to Blas.
Eskerrik asko!