buber.net > Basque > Surname > Z > Ziganda
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ZIGANDA The origin of this surname is located in Ziganda (Nabarra), with a
branch in Labaien (Nav).
Meaning: Ziga means Mallow and Anda (andia) means big. I suposse that the
meaning is "the big house Ziga" separating both terms, the other
possibility is "big Mallow's zone "
In Nabarra there are Ziganda families in: Alli, Arraitze, Astrain., Auza,
Berrioz, Santesteban., Etxarri, Iraizoz, Iruna, Larrain, Lizaso, Urrotz,
Ziganda, and Zizur
Escudo: Un cuartel y en el dos lobos andantes, el uno sobre el otro,
encontrados. Bordura con doce calderas. (la descrpcion no incluye los
colores ni metales)
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Eskerrik asko!