buber.net > Basque > Surname > Z > Zozaia (zozaya)
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ZOZAIA (zozaya) In Irantzu-Irun (gipuzkoa) and in Nabarra
Knight of Santiago in 1693, and 1708, Knight of Calatrava in 1699. A
descendant of the house Zozaya of Irun, lived in San Sebastian in 1566.
Meaning: is dificult to know in this case, probably means Place with trees
Escudo: En sinople un lobo de plata. Bordura de gules, cargada de ocho
roeles de oro. OTROS: en plata, tres fajas de gules. OTROS: en oro, un
escuson ajedrezado de azur y plata.
There are few people with this surname, I think that probably there aren't
Zozaias in the Basque Country today
Ines Zozaya-Geist sends the following comment:
My father was a Zozaya that lived in U.S. from 1955-1997 (passed away
this June). Several of his siblings are still alive and living in
Pamplona, Navarra-Espana (Felix, Lorenzo, Antonio, Julianna, Romalda
Zozaya). Unfortunately I don't have more information other than my
Father's family lived in Arizu, (Aritzu) Spain (Navarra). So, don't
know if you need this information, but thought I'd share it.
This page is part of Buber's Basque Page and is maintained by Blas Uberuaga.
Please report any problems or suggestions to Blas.
Eskerrik asko!