buber.net > Basque > Surname > Z > Zuleta
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In On~ate (Gipuzkoa) and Argentina, it is a variation of Zuloeta,
Zulueta, the meaning as you know is "place of holes, or better, "place of
Coat of arms: In gold, a blue stripe (From upper left, to down right) with
3 gold stars on it
Apart of thge Zuletas,there are other two branches of this family, the
first one is ZULETA DEL CASTILLO, and the second is ZULETA DE REALES, this
second one in Andalusia, they have different coat of arms.
There is a ZULOETA Palace in On~ate, In 1388 is documented that a man:
Pedro Lopez de Zuloeta lived in On~ate, so I think the origin of your
family is clear
To get a complete family history, there is only two ways, 1.- contact with
a proffesional genealogist (I am not one of them), 2.- Investigate
yourself, the better way is in the Mormon archives (they have microfilms of
all basque church archives), begin with your father,s record and go back
and back.
This page is part of Buber's Basque Page and is maintained by Blas Uberuaga.
Please report any problems or suggestions to Blas.
Eskerrik asko!