buber.net > Basque > Surname > Z > Zuzuarregi
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ZUZUARREGI IN Gainza and Orendain (Gipuzkoa), composed by Zuzua and
Arregi, In 1399 (Martin) and 1409 is documented a man with this surname in
Gainza, and in 1594 in Tolosa (Gaspar)
Coat: En azur, tres fajas de oro, cargadas de tres arminhos cada una de
ellas, de sable
Other Coat: En plata, un lobo de sable, bucleado en oro
In the book Linajes y casas de Gipuzkoa I have found that there are two
houses with the name Zuzuarregi in Orendain (Gip), they are named
Zuzuarregi azpi, and Zuzuarregi txiki
Meaning: Zuzua means: Alamo (a tree), and Arregi means: pedregal, so the
mening can be the poplars in the stony place , but we don't know if is
correct to put together both words in order to make a translation, cause as
you say, there exist surname Zuzuna and surname Arregi, so yours can be a
surname, or the adition of two surnames, in any case if it is an adition is
very old
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Eskerrik asko!