Jose Antonio Alcayaga III just posted this link on Facebook and it seemed like a great one to share. Badok has a relatively large selection of Basque music available for online listening and I understand that songs can be downloaded in mp3 format.
This seems like a great way to explore Basque music. It looks like there is a large range of styles, from folk like Oskorri to metal bands such as Su Ta Gar. And the artists seem to span a range of time, including classics from Kortatu. Not everything is on here, as I don’t see any Negu Gorriak for example, but there is still a large number of groups to explore.
Thanks for sharing Jose!
Milesker Jose eta Blas ere.
Bikaina da abesti batzuk aurkitu horrela webgunea beran. Erraz erraza dago erabiltzea.
Laketzen nau oso; baliagarri izango da niretzat euskara ikasteko.
Ez adiorik
Aupa Blas,
Hamabost-edo urte dira, Internet jaioberri hartatik osteratxoa egiten nenbilela, zure webgunea ikusi eta gabon kanta batzuk bidali nizkizula (Olentzero, eta abar).
(Gogoan daukat ere, Espainiako ABC egunkariarekin izandako ika-mika hura, eta basque-l-en zegoen giroa. Une latzak izan ziren, baina argi geratu zen bakoitzaren jokabidea zein zen.)
Poz handia hartu dut [kantek-eta] bertan jarraitzen dutela ikusteak. Bitarte honetan, ikasketak amaitu dituzu, ezkondu egin zara, familia osatzen zabiltza (antza)… eta denbora lortu duzu gurera (EHra) etortzeko.
Segi horrela! … beste 15 urtean behintzat!
Eskerrik asko, unai. I did not understand all you wrote (my Euskara is not very good), but I think I got the general sentiment and I greatly appreciate the kind words.
No problem, Blas. Yesterday, as I was browsing through your website, I remembered that I sent you some Christmas carols, 15-or-so years ago. And they’re still there!
Looking back at those times, the ABC [Spanish newspaper] “controversy”, the Basque-l posts… now it all appears so distant… but then, it was a bit of a hard time.
In short, I’m glad to “see” you again, and that you stick to your Basque roots.
Carry on!