About BBP

Welcome to Buber’s Basque Page!

What started out as a personal homepage and a vehicle to learn HTML has grown to a site that contains nearly 1000 pages and receives over 16,000 hits per day. The popularity and usefulness of this site is a testament to all of the work done by the volunteers who have sent in articles on various subjects.

I am always looking to expand and improve the site. If you feel something is missing or you have something you would like to contribute, please feel free to contact me.

Enjoy your visit. Eskerrik asko!

17 thoughts on “About BBP”

  1. Arratsalde on! Datorren hilabetean jaioko den gure semeari Maule izena jarri nahi diogu. Zure zerrenda horretan agertzen da baina euskaltzaindiakoan ez eta han esaten digute, ezin dela mutilei jarri. Neska izena dela. Zuk nondik atera duzu? Ezagutzen al duzu gozinezkorik izen horrekin?

    Horrela bada, esatea eskertuko genizuke. Norbait ezagutzen badugu, utziko baitugute.

    Eskerrik asko!!

    Josu eta Josebe

  2. We are an Austrian boy and his Basque girlfriend in Vienna, Austria. This is a really nice website. (I don’t have to explain him everything and he can read about the Basque Country.) Whenever you need help translating things from Euskara or Spanish to English (or German for that matter), please feel free to contact us.

    Eskerrik asko eta agur beroak.

    Freundliche Grüße

    Elixabete & Matthäus

  3. Hello,
    Thank you for sharing this valuable information with the world. We have a family reunion net summer and I would like to take some time to visit the Basque countries. I got some travel tips from the a couple of sites in the web; however, I would like to get some feedback from locals like you who actually know where to find the best food, beaches, the must see historic sites, and any tour, festival, event that would be worth to see or do. Also any tour or tour company you could recommend. Would appreciate your feedback, time and help.

    Thank you!

  4. Hi Blas, my grandfather was from Madariaga, I guess just a small village. I’ve been periodically reading your pages for a few years now, learning about the Basque Country and people. Someday I will visit. Thank you for your work!

  5. Just found your page today, and am enjoying it immensely. I was raised in eastern Oregon and had many friends of Basque heritage. I spent two summers on a ranch where the owner’s wife was Basque. Oh, my, could those ladies cook! I went to college and was acquainted with Stan Zatica, whom you mention in this article. Great families, as were the Murphys’, Eigurens, Malleas, Bashfords, Guericcagoitias, and many others.

  6. I hear you are in New Mexico, I am in new mexico. I thought I was the only Basque person here. I lived in Gernika as a child. Hiw do I find others here? Extraño el euskera, la comida, y mi comunidad!

    1. Teresa,
      I am not sure to whom you are asking who lives in New Mexico. I do and my name is Monique.
      My ancestral home is the Bearn province in the Pyrenees. One of my niece lives in Cambo les Bains–lovely place that I visit every year.
      I heard that there was a Basque club in Santa Fe, NM. There is a Bearnais group in L.A. and I believe that many Basques are members–
      Basques and Bearnais–somos vecinos!
      Me too, I miss the food, the culture and the people.
      It is not possible to go home this year because of the coronavirus–I am running out of piment d’Espelette powder and Izarra verde.
      Be well and be safe.

  7. I have spent years trying to find out where my last name comes from. I finally asked my dad when I was in my 20’s why I have never heard our last name outside our family. My dad told me that the name came from Basque. I couldn’t find much back then on Basque so I started to think that my dad really didn’t know until I finally presseed him for more questions on Basque. I finally found it in a map, over the years I have found some evidence to show that my dad may be right, but a questioned remanded my family spells our name different then my extended family do in Mexico so I asked my dad why that was. He told me that my grandpa spelled it both ways so this has led to a debate in the family as to the correct way to spell it. My family name is “Gorostiete” my family in Mexico spells it “Gorozieta”. but I have recently found a different spelling that I believe to be the original way to spell it and it is “Goikoetxea”. can anyone validate this for me, or is my last name not even Basque?

    1. Gorozieta y Goikoetxea son dos apellidos completamente diferentes. Los apellidos en euskera son generalmente topónimos, son el nombre de la casa de procedencia. Gorozieta se refiere a un lugar con muchos árboles ( creo que acebo) y Goikoetxea significa la casa de arriba.
      Gorosiete no es nada.

  8. Hi Blas! Nice to meet your interesting and well-provided site.
    I write you from Donostia and I´ve done also my self a site about Basque Culture and language (“A window to culture”). I hope you´ll like it

    It has some contents in english and an euskara-english translator too:

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