Category Archives: Sports

Steven Skiena: Betting on Jai Alai

Holly Emblem is the editor of They recently published an interview with Steven Skiena, author of Calculated Bets. Skiena, a Professor of Computer Science at the State University of New York, is also a fan of jai alai, a passion he picked up during a family vacation to Florida when he was a kid.  […]

Link Dump: Pelota, Picon, and Pipes

Here are a few links I’ve run across that I thought were worth sharing. Pelota is immensely popular in Euskal Herria.  Most evenings I was there, a match was being shown on the TVs of most bars.  Even though cesta punta — jai alai to the rest of the world — is the most flashy […]

Big Happenings in Euskal Herria

This past week, there have been two major events in the Basque Country. First, on Sunday, March 1, elections where held in the Basque Country (as well as other parts of Spain) for the Basque Parliament, the body that governs in the Basque Autonomous Community (BAC) comprised of Bizkaia, Gipuzkoa, and Araba.  Since the formation […]