Category Archives: Adventures of Maite and Kepa

The Adventures of Maite and Kepa: Part 185

The next morning, Maite awoke to find Kepa already wide awake, his goofy smile beaming at her as he lay next to her. She would have been less annoyed by the sun blasting her directly in the face. “How can you be so awake so early,” she grumbled as she flipped over and buried her […]

The Adventures of Maite and Kepa: Part 184

“Paris?” asked Maite. “Why Paris?” Kepa shrugged his shoulders. “Why not? I’ve never been and it seems like a pretty cool city.” Maite nodded absentmindedly. “I’ve never been either. Ok, why not. How do we do this?” “Let me show you.”  Kepa waved his hand in the air in a circle. At first nothing happened, […]

The Adventures of Maite and Kepa: Part 183

After cocktails, the four of them wandered the old part of town, stopping here and there for pintxos and drinks. Kepa figured he might regret it the next day, but he tended to order kalimotxos to have that combination of caffeine and alcohol. In the moment, he felt like he could drink them forever, but […]

The Adventures of Maite and Kepa: Part 182

Monday night they found themselves at a cocktail bar just a little off one of the main thoroughfares of the Parte Vieja. Maite had never even heard of the place, much less been there, but Belen raved about it. The interior was dark and moody, with couches spread around small tables. Very different from most […]

The Adventures of Maite and Kepa: Part 181

After a few weeks, Kepa found his groove at the pub. Iratxe was still a bit rough around the edges, but he enjoyed the comraderie he was building with Belen in the kitchen. She was light-hearted, didn’t take anything too seriously, and laughed as his jokes. And, he admitted to himself, she was quite attractive. […]

The Adventures of Maite and Kepa: Part 180

It was a little before noon and Kepa stood in front of the bar again, though Iratxe was no where to be found. He heard some bustling coming from the back as he waited patiently for Iratxe, or anyone really, to pop out front. Some fifteen minutes must have passed as he waited there, quietly. […]

The Adventures of Maite and Kepa: Part 179

Weeks had passed and classes were about to begin for Maite. Kepa had continued to check out the local bars to see if anyone could use a bartender or waiter, but so far, he hadn’t found anything he liked. Or rather, no one had seemed to like him. He had been let go from his […]

The Adventures of Maite and Kepa: Part 178

“That was… weird,” said Kepa, after Amalur had vanished. He still sat on the edge of the bed, wrapped in the sheet. Maite sat next to him, feeling sticky from her run and wanting nothing more than a shower. But she sensed that he needed to talk so she remained by his side. “It was […]

The Adventures of Maite and Kepa: Part 177

Maite and Kepa sat there, staring dumbly at Amalur as she continued to morph between her three forms. Kepa couldn’t quite tell if they were three distinct personalities or just different variations of the same person. No, person wasn’t quite right. You didn’t call an ancient earth goddess a person. But, he wasn’t quite sure […]

The Adventures of Maite and Kepa: Part 176

“It’s sort of like a cheat code,” mused Kepa as Amalur hovered above their bed expectantly. “You know, in video games, there are times where they right combination of moves opens up an Easter egg.” Maite turned to look at him. “You think this is all some kind of game?” Kepa shrugged. “Not a game, […]