Category Archives: Buber’s Basque Story

The Adventures of Maite and Kepa: Part 155

Maite looked up and around the structure of the fort standing in front of her. It was mostly built from stone, with the massive door made of wood. There wasn’t anything to really conduct electricity, to let her use her powers to attack the structure. She started circling the fort, looking for any weakness, any […]

The Adventures of Maite and Kepa: Part 154

Maite turned back to the bay. The large ships sat quite, rocking almost peacefully, belying the threat they posed for the city and the inhabitants. Maite shook her head. She was sick of the death and destruction that seemed to follow her at every turn, that seemed to be at the heart of every bubble […]

The Adventures of Maite and Kepa: Part 153

Maite walked down the middle of the cobbled street, oblivious to everything around her. Miniature lightning bolts flashed from her eyes. Her fingers sparked with electricity but she barely felt it. Her heart was numb. She thought seeing Kepa die once would be the hardest thing she would ever experience. She was wrong. A French […]

The Adventures of Maite and Kepa: Part 152

“You know,” said Kepa as they made their way through the narrow streets that intertwined in the Parte Vieja of Donostia, “if we can just point our way to the zatia, that will make our lives a lot easier.” Maite nodded. “If we could have done this with Donnie, you wouldn’t have gotten shot.” Remembering […]

The Adventures of Maite and Kepa: Part 151

While Kepa half expected a group of thugs or French soldiers to be waiting for them, the building was abandoned, just as Josean had promised. He reached down to help Maite up before really surveying the room. They seemed to have found themselves in a small apartment, which at one time must have been quite […]

The Adventures of Maite and Kepa: Part 150

150 parts! Not sure who might still be following this, but if you are, thank you for following me on this journey. I stll have no idea where it is going, but I’m enjoying writing it and developing these characters and world, and I hope you are enjoying reading it! Kepa led the way, the […]

The Adventures of Maite and Kepa: Part 149

Maite grabbed the hand offered her as she climbed up the ladder back into the sacristy. As she stepped over the fake trunk’s side, she noticed the bruise beginning to form on Josean’s cheek. “What happened?” she asked in alarm. Kepa was making his way out as Josean replied. “The French soldiers. They had seen […]

The Adventures of Maite and Kepa: Part 148

Aita Josean led Maite and Kepa back to the sacristy, to some trunks in one of the corners.  He opened the first one. “You never know who is going to come needing what,” he said almost absentmindedly as he rummaged through stacks of clothes. “The people – many of us – are in desparate need […]

The Adventures of Maite and Kepa: Part 147

“Ahem.” Kepa looked up, his eyes taking a moment to focus before he saw a bent over old man looking down at them. The man’s wrinkled face was framed by whispy white hair, at least on the sides. He was completely bald. His large nose, pocked with scars, betrayed his Basque blood. He glared down […]

The Adventures of Maite and Kepa: Part 146

After what seemed like forever, they finally made it to shore. Even in the daylight, even in modern Donostia, they wouldn’t have known the layout of the coastline, but in the dark and in the past, they had no clue where they were going. They just wanted to get away from the island and the […]