Tag Archives: joan Perez de lazarraga

Basque Fact of the Week: Bizenta Mogel, First Woman to Write a Book in Basque

Despite the Basque language Euskara being so old, there are so many firsts related to the language that are not so old. The first translation of the Bible into Euskara occurred in 1571. The language itself was only standardized in the 1970s. Bizenta Mogel is another first. She is the first woman to write a […]

Basque Fact of the Week: What is the Difference between Euskadi, Euskal Herria, and the BAC?

What’s in a name? For a place like the Basque Country, there are several names that jumble together and can be confusing at times. Because the Basque Country is split by the Spanish-French border and, even within Spain, it is split into two different autonomous communities, there are different names that reflect this politically complex […]