American Ikurrina

Edu de la Herrán has an interesting project where he has combined an ikurrina with the flag of the United States. In his words

What you see here is not an Ikurrina, nor it is an American flag.

It’s both holding hands. This flag represents the Basques living in America. The hardiness and valor of those who came here. You can call it the American Ikurrina. A visual celebration of the way Basques have woven ourselves into the diverse American culture.

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4 thoughts on “American Ikurrina”

  1. Greetings,
    We live in America so we are free to express our opinion. In my opinion this flag does not do justice to America nor to the Basque culture on the French and Spanish in Europe or to the Basque American who gave so much to their new country.
    We all know, the people who follow this blog, that Sabino Arana designed the flag. Arana was a racist who founded the nationalist party and later became a Christian democrat. Sabino was responsible for the death or almost 1,000 innocent people. This flag, a mixture of the Stripes ( missing the stars) and the flag of Arana, tells me that it was designed by someone who does not have a grasp of the complex history of the Basque in Europe. A Basque American and a French or Spanish Basque are not the same. It is like comparing the taste of Bananas coming from a different country. They are both good. In my opinion, this blog , created to highlight the Basque culture is a good thing. That said, in the back of my mind, I ask myself ,when I read about the glorification of Arana if there is another purpose. We have to go back to the 16th century when the Basque region was unified. We shall see what the future holds.

  2. Some basic concepts about the Basque NORTASUNA (Personality):

    Only the Basque Flag we call IKURRIÑA, all the others we call Flags, Drapeaux, Flags, ….

    Only the President of the Basque Country is called LEHENDAKARI, all the others are called President of the State, President of the Nation, President of the Republic, etc.

    There is only one Sebastian, Saint, in heaven, the patron saint of the only city on earth called Donostia.
    But many cities in the world are called San Sebastian.

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