Open call for finding a “home” for The National Basque WWII Memorial

Would you like your Basque club or town to be the “home” of the National (U.S.) Basque WWII Veterans Memorial? 

The North American Basque Organizations’ (N.A.B.O.) Basques in World War II Special Committee has opened a call for proposals among its member clubs to host the future memorial intended to permanently remember and honor our Basque WWII veterans. The submission deadline is May 30, 2025.

Simulation of the National Basque WWII Memorial Plaza

How to keep the memory of this ‘greatest generation’ alive?

Our mission is to honor the valor, sacrifice, and enduring legacy of Basque WWII veterans recognizing their profound contributions to freedom and democracy. Through commemorations, education, and advocacy, we pledge to ensure their stories are remembered, their sacrifices acknowledged, and their courage celebrated for generations to come.

As of today, the not-for profit historical association Sancho de Beurko Association has been able to identify over 1,900 WWII veterans of Basque origin (spanning three generations) in the U.S. Armed Forces, compiling research in 46 States, Washington D.C., and Puerto Rico, and the completion of 1,200 biographies. The identified 1,900 veterans resided in 30 States, Washington D.C., and Puerto Rico at the time of their enlistment. 

As soon as the research is completed, the Sancho de Beurko Association would be pleased to donate and hand over the names of all identified Basque WWII veterans to N.A.B.O. as the main institutional representative of the Basque American community with the goal of creating a memorial. Consequently, no family will have to pay to have the names of their veterans engraved on the memorial.

The above image is just a simulation of a possible memorial plaza for our veterans. The memorial would consist of a physical site, displaying the names of all identified veterans of Basque ancestry who have served in every branch of the U.S. Armed Forces, including the Merchant Marines. (Needless to say, like any other memorial, ours will also have space for additional names as they are identified.) It would also be a place of public reflection and remembrance. The memorial would attempt to bring awareness and public recognition of the historical contribution made by a small immigrant community such as the Basques during WWII. 

The memorial roster is Not Just a list of Names! It will be a permanent testament to their lives, families’ histories, sacrifices, and contributions to the U.S. The memorial would provide an opportunity to bring together all Basques from different communities across the country in the endeavor of commemorating the ‘greatest generation’ of Basque origin. In other words, it would promote social cohesion with a strong intergenerational component. In addition, the physical site would be complemented with a digital memorial site to access the veterans’ personal and military biographies. 

The memorial is intended to preserve the memory of all veterans of Basque origin who served in the U.S. military in WWII and to serve as an educational tool for all who visit to learn of their sacrifices and unselfish contributions to this country.

Considering the size and the migration pattern of the Basques, this could be one of the first war memorial sites of its kind in the country. We believe that the National Basque WWII Veterans Memorial would become a national symbol of public recognition and pride comparable to the Basque Sheepherder Monument at Rancho San Rafael, in Reno, Nevada.

In summary, the memorial is the vehicle that embodies our mission. We have the duty to tell the story of these soldiers and preserve their memory. We must ensure the history of our veterans is never forgotten. For that we need your help. Would you like your club or town to be the “home” of the National Basque WWII Veterans Memorial?

Finding a suitable location for the National Basque WWII Veterans Memorial

As we are approaching the end of the research phase, we have started working on a set of criteria to select the best “home” for the physical memorial. Our idea is to inaugurate the memorial by the end of 2026, which marks the 85th anniversary of the United States entering WWII and the 250th anniversary of the founding of the United States. A great context for the American society at large to learn about the contributions made by the Basques during the times of war and peace.


All candidates wishing to bid for the memorial should present a brief plan, addressing the following criteria, in time and form. 

What’s in it for the potential bidders?

  1. Become the proud “Home” of the first National Basque WWII Veterans Memorial in the nation.
  2. Become part of a network of local, state and nation-wide civic and military memorials.
  3. Participation of nation-wide commemorations: Memorial Day, Veterans Day… 
  4. Attraction of out-of-town and out-of-state visitors, which can be translated into a potential socio-economic impact for your club and community.
  5. Public and media exposure to Basque culture, history and traditions.
  6. Educating younger generations, Basques or not, about the contributions made by ethnic minorities and emigrant communities to World War II though the Basque Memorial.
  7. Bringing together Basques from different communities across the country in the endeavor of commemorating the ‘greatest generation’ of Basque origin.


The criteria items are ranked as “Required” (meaning essential criteria) and “Desired” (meaning an extra bonus criteria):

  • Facilities:
    • Whether the memorial is built on a private or public (city, county, or state) property 
      • Public access [REQUIRED]
      • Restrooms [DESIRED]
      • Security and safety [DESIRED]
      • Free parking [DESIRED]
      • Closeness to a national cemetery or cemetery with a military section [DESIRED]
      • Closeness to amenities (e.g., coffee houses, restaurants, churches) [DESIRED]
  • Plan for long-term maintenance of the memorial [REQUIRED]
  • Partnership with N.A.B.O., through our committee, in terms of the design of the monument, materials, costs, and funding [REQUIRED]
  • The design of the war memorial should be respectful, meaningful and should dignify the veterans and their families. For instance, the hoisting and lowering of flags should follow proper protocols. Regarding the design, this could be a product of an open competition or the work of a specialized company [REQUIRED]
  • Funds available to cover the costs of the physical monument, which depends on factors, such as materials, labor, and location [DESIRED] 


N.A.B.O.’s Basques in World War II Special Committee.


  • February 1, 2025: Presentation of selection process document at N.A.B.O.’s winter meeting (Salt Lake City, UT). Opening of the selection process (February-May).
  • DEADLINE. May 30, 2025: Closing of the selection process.
  • June – July 2025: Selection of candidacy.
  • Jaialdi Convention 2025: Presentation of the results of the selection process at N.A.B.O.’s convention meeting.
  • Establishing a working / liaison committee (bidder group + N.A.B.O.’s WWII committee).

Please do not hesitate to contact Marie Berterretche Petracek, Chair of the N.A.B.O.’s Basques in World War II Special Committee, at, if you have any questions.

Let no veteran be forgottenEz ditzagun beteranoak ahaztu.”

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