Twentieth Contest of Children’s Stories without Borders of Otxarkoaga

I received an email from Jose Antonio Lopez announcing the twentieth edition of the Otxarkoaga Children Story Contest.

On the occasion of the celebration of the 40th Otxarkoaga Children’s Days, which will take place on May 14 and 15, 2022, the Txirula Kultur Taldea collective organizes this Otxarkoaga Tales Without Borders Contest with the aim of promoting literary creation around children’s stories.

Contest rules:

  1. Participants: all ages.
  2. Language: Basque or Spanish.
  3. Length of the story: minimum of two pages, maximum of four.
  4. Each person may submit a maximum of two original stories that have not been published or previously awarded.
  5. Agenda: free, but the jury will especially value those stories aimed at children and that are related to values ​​such as peace, tolerance, gender equality, human rights, and caring for nature.
  6. Form of presentation: in double-spaced paper format and in Arial or similar font, size 12, at Centro Cívico de Otxarkoaga, Avenida Pau Casals, 19, 48004 Bilbao. They can also be sent by email:
  7. Submission deadline: January 31, 2022.
  8. Name, surname, address, age, and a telephone number or email must be attached.
  9. Twenty-four copies of the published book will be delivered to the selected participants, who will be able to read their stories in the Kepa Enbeita square in Otxarkoaga, on May 15, in the context of the Children’s Days.
  10. Participation in the contest means accreditation of authorship and authorization to publish the stories selected in the aforementioned edition. Published stories continue to belong to those who have written them.
  11. Those drawings that are attached in black and white and that the organization considers complementary to the text may be included in the publication.

More information: and

Here is a bit more context about the contest.

Who is organizing this contest?
Organized by Txirula Kultur Taldea in the context of the 40th Otxarkoaga Children’s Conference, which brings together different groups from the neighborhood.

The contest was announced in December and stories can be submitted until January 30. The jury will issue its decision in mid or late April, the book will then published and presented on May 15, in Kepa Enbeita square in Otxarkoaga.

How long has this contest been going on?
For twenty years.

What is this?
This contest and its stories are the reflection of a collective effort to open up to everyone.

What do the contest do?
It creates dreams and illusions to change reality from fantasy.

What does this contest mean?
That another world is possible.

Who are the beneficiaries?
Those who participate, since several hundred stories are received in Basque and Spanish. Although not all can be selected, their effort is expressed in their literary texts. In addition, the selected persons see their published work and receive twenty four copies.

What are the goals?
Link the name of the Otxarkoaga neighborhood to culture, and promote children’s literature in both Basque and Spanish. And that people from different places visit Bilbao and Otxarkoaga.

To broaden the mind and sensitivity of those who write and those who read. In fact, we offer those who come from far away to stay in houses in the neighborhood. There are not many, but it is a true and interesting fact that reflects a style of being and acting.

Who can participate?
Those who wish, without age limits, without borders, and with special appreciation for those who write defending peace, tolerance, human rights, gender equality …

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