Buber’s Basque Page has been silent a while, as I’ve had work travel and of course Jaialdi (which I hope to write about soon) during the last couple of months.
That said, I’d like to break the silence with a new series, entitled “Nor Naiz, Gu Gara”, roughly translated as “Who I Am, We Are.” The goal is to explore what it means to be Basque, from many different perspectives. The question of Basque identity is complex. For some, being Basque begins and ends at speaking Euskara, hence the word Euskaldun. For others, it means having so many Basque surnames in your genealogy. For yet others, it is an expression of their heritage via dance or music. This series aims to explore these different facets of what it means to be Basque, from Basques all over the world.
I’ve invited a few friends and acquaintances to help me kick this series off, and their postings will be showing up over the coming weeks. I’ll begin with my own, in the very next post. Any and all who would like to participate, please feel free to send me a couple of paragraphs about what being Basque means to you, why it is important to you, why identifying yourself as Basque is something you do. I can’t promise all will make it on the site, but I will do my best.
All of the postings in this series can be found via this link.
Now, on with the show!
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Greetings and Salutations,
I was wondering if there is anything in the histories that link the Cajuns in America to the Basque region. I was adopted out of the Cajun community, but have a strong feeling of linkage to the Pyrenees Mountains. Information is sketchy for the Cajuns before they left France. I do have to say that after seeing your picture, you could be my brother. The coloring, the shape of your eyes. Any information or grandmother stories you might have would be greatly appreciated.